Jesse Pollak (Coinbase): "The aim of Base is to develop a kind of decentralised App Store".

Jesse Pollak (Coinbase): "The aim of Base is to develop a kind of decentralised App Store".

With its Base blockchain, Coinbase aims to build a new kind of App Store. The opposite of centralised models like Apple.

Launched barely a year ago by US exchange Coinbase, Base is already one of the must-have layer 2s, as Ethereum's second-layer solutions are known. We spoke to its designer, Jesse Pollak, one of the most respected figures in the crypto ecosystem.

In the second quarter of 2024, Base was the layer 2 that recorded the most transaction fees, collecting nearly 12,000 ethers, showing strong traction, despite regular denials about the launch of a governance token.

"We don't want to attract entrepreneurs by rewarding them via a token, as this way of doing things, which has been the norm for a long time, has amply demonstrated its inefficiency," he explains.

What drives projects to launch on Base? The ability to distribute to the more than 100 million customers of Coinbase, one of the largest cryptocurrency exchange platforms on the planet.

As a complement to this interview, The Big Whale has dedicated its "season" to the Base ecosystem. Here's the content you can find exclusively for our subscribers:

👉 Base: Analysis of the L2 developed by Coinbase

👉 How Base leans on Coinbase (and vice-versa)

👉 VIDEO - Jai Prasad (Definitive): "Base is one of the fastest growing layer 2s"

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