VIDEO - Marc Tillement (Pyth Network): "Data transmission will be key to the development of interoperability".

VIDEO - Marc Tillement (Pyth Network): "Data transmission will be key to the development of interoperability".

Launched in 2021, Pyth Network has established itself as one of the leading players in the on-chain data market. Its aim is to promote a decentralised market in this area.

As The Big Whale devotes its "season" this week to interoperability, we chose to talk to Marc Tillement, director of the Pyth Data Association, a central entity in the development of the Pyth network, which specialises in on-chain data management.

"Beyond the transmission of tokens from one network to another, trust in the data is also crucial to the development of the crypto ecosystem, which, from my point of view, is moving towards a multichain world in which Ethereum will continue to prevail," explains Marc Tillement.

One of Pyth Network's objectives is also to decentralise the data market, currently in the hands of centralised players. "In the long term, we want as many players as possible to use our network to manage their data," he tells The Big Whale.

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