Discover - Article 1
Large groups : The age of maturity
Discover - Article 2
Why major groups are interested in Web3
Discover - Article 3
What are the Web3 use cases for large groups?
Discover - Article 4
The most important Web3 projects
Discover - Article 5
Why didn't some projects work?
Go Deeper - Article 6
Bilal El Alamy (PyratzLabs): "Large groups have a lot to offer start-ups and vice versa".
Go Deeper - Article 7
William O'Rorke (ORWL Avocats): "Having service providers and consultants with the reflexes to adapt to Web3".
Go Deeper - Article 8
Which partners do you trust?
Go Deeper - Article 9
Thibault Lecerf (Pernod Ricard): "We are now ready to explore use cases more focused on financial aspects".
Go Deeper - Article 10
Arthur Dietrich (Solana): "Superteam intervenes at local level to design a corporate project".
Go Deeper - Article 11
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The most important Web3 projects

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The most important Web3 projects

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Forge (Société Générale)

The wholly-owned subsidiary of Société Générale Group is a model of its kind. Launched in 2018 as an independent start-up, Forge has since moved closer to the parent company and now works alongside the Global Banking and Investor Solutions part. The latter brings together 12,000 people and provides sophisticated banking, advisory, capital markets and trading solutions to Société Générale customers. Forge issues a stablecoin euro (EUR CoinVertible) and has PSAN approval from the Autorité des marchés financiers.

Exaion (EDF)

Also based on the same model as Forge, Exaion is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the EDF Group. It emerged from the energy company's intrapreneurship programme and draws on 

the expertise of EDF's DSIT and R&D, as well as that of its own technicians, engineers and developers, to provide a turnkey offering for players developing large-scale Web3 projects (Cloud 3D, Blockchain, Edge Computing) with an eco-responsible, sovereign and secure approach.

Stables (PMU)

The horse racing game developed by the PMU group met with a certain amount of acclaim when it was launched in spring 2023 (6666 NFT sold). It is an example of how a large group focused on a traditional activity can innovate using the most modern codes. PMU's initial gamble of opening up to a new audience has paid off, with Stables now attracting a community of several thousand committed players, aged between 25 and 40 on average and mostly novices. The start-up is now looking to expand internationally, and has opened up its capital to Nomadic Labs, one of the largest organisations in charge of developing the Tezos ecosystem.

Pernod Ricard

The world's number one wine and spirits company has successfully experimented with Web3 with the acquisition in 2021 of Whisky Exchange Cabinet, a site for buying and selling rare spirits that uses NFT technology. Pernod Ricard also launched its "Ricard 3.0" NFT collection in early 2024. "The marketing use cases have paved the way, and we are now preparing for use cases that focus more on the financial aspects and transfers of value," says Thibault Lecerf, head of the group's Web3 strategy.


The gaming giant chose early on to make headway in Web3 by multiplying the hackathons organised within its ranks and investing in numerous start-ups in the sector. At the end of 2021, however, its experiment came up against the discontent of some gamers who saw Ubisoft's foray into Web3 as a way of monetising its games even further. This episode has had a lasting impact on the company's strategy, which now prefers to multiply partnerships with Web3 giants (Immutable, Cross The Ages, etc.) rather than go it alone.

And also:

- Nike: Creation of virtual sneakers and NFTs, allowing users to personalise and own digital fashion items.

- Adidas: Collaboration with Web3 content creators to launch exclusive NFT collections and immersive experiences.

- Siemens: Development of digital twins to optimise predictive maintenance and industrial operations.

- Lufthansa: Web3 loyalty programme via the Uptrip app.

- Samsung: Using blockchain to secure IoT device data and strengthen user privacy.

- Microsoft Azure: Blockchain-based digital identity management platform, ensuring security and control of personal data.

