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What is BarnBridge?

BarnBridge (BOND) is a cryptocurrency operating on the Ethereum platform, designed to reduce risks associated with decentralized finance (DeFi) such as inflation risk and interest rate volatility. It offers risk management solutions through its SMART Yield and SMART Exposure protocols, allowing users to manage their exposure to market fluctuations. Holders of the BOND token can participate in governance decisions through BarnBridge's DAO protocol.

How is BarnBridge used?

BarnBridge (BOND) is a tokenized risk protocol that allows users to hedge against yield sensitivity and price volatility in decentralized finance (DeFi). It achieves this by accessing debt pools on other DeFi protocols and creating multiple assets within a single debt pool with varying risk/return characteristics. The platform offers investments in senior and junior tranches, where senior tranche investors receive fixed interest payments and the remaining proceeds go to junior investors who can potentially earn higher interest rates but without guaranteed payouts.

Additionally, BarnBridge's SMART Yield pools the yield from lending protocols such as Aave and splits it into tranches with different risk profiles. SMART Exposure allows users to passively maintain a specific ratio within an ERC-20 token pair, which can potentially outperform buy-and-hold strategies depending on market conditions. Holders of the BOND token can also participate in governance proposals on BarnBridge's DAO protocol.

How do I store BarnBridge?

To store BarnBridge (BOND) tokens, you can use any Ethereum-compatible wallet that supports ERC-20 tokens. Some popular options include MetaMask, MyEtherWallet, Ledger Nano S/X, Trezor, Trust Wallet, Coinbase, Exodus, Atomic Wallet, Infinito, Guarda, Cool Wallet, Lumi Wallet, and Eidoo.

How to buy BarnBridge?

To buy BarnBridge (BOND) tokens, follow these steps:

Using KuCoin
  1. Create a KuCoin Account:
    • Sign up with your email address, mobile phone number, and country of residence.
    • Set a strong password to secure your account.
  2. Secure Your Account:
    • Enable Google 2FA code, anti-phishing code, and trading password for stronger protection.
  3. Verify Your Account:
    • Enter your personal information and upload a valid Photo ID.
  4. Add a Payment Method:
    • Add a credit/debit card or bank account after verifying your KuCoin account.
  5. Buy BarnBridge (BOND):
    • Use a variety of payment options to buy BOND on KuCoin.
Using Pionex
  1. Create a Pionex Account:
    • Register on the website or download the app.
    • Pass the KYC verification.
  2. Choose a Payment Method:
    • Buy BOND with credit card, debit card, bank wire, or ACH transfer.
  3. Buy BarnBridge (BOND):
    • Follow the specific steps for your chosen payment method.
Using Kriptomat
  1. Create and Verify Your Account:
    • Sign up with Google, Apple, or enter your name and email.
    • Verify your email, phone number, and identity.
  2. Add Funds:
    • Make a bank deposit or use your credit card to add funds.
  3. Buy BarnBridge:
    • Click on the Kriptomat icon, select "Buy," choose BarnBridge, enter the amount, and confirm your purchase.
  1. Compare Crypto Exchanges:
    • Choose from top exchanges like Kraken, KuCoin, and Binance.
  2. Create an Account:
    • Verify your email address and identity.
  3. Make a Deposit:
    • Use debit card, credit card, wire transfer, or Bitcoin.
  4. Buy Barnbridge:
    • Use your funds to buy BOND.
Using MEXC
  1. Access the MEXC Website:
    • Click on the "Buy Crypto" link on the top left of the MEXC website navigation.
  2. Choose How to Buy BOND:
    • Follow the specific steps to buy BarnBridge (BOND) tokens.
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How BarnBridge works

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BarnBridge's risks

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