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What is Worldwide Asset eXchange?

Worldwide Asset eXchange (WAXP) is a decentralized platform that enables the creation and operation of virtual marketplaces for digital assets, particularly in the gaming industry. It uses the native $WAXP token to facilitate secure, trustless, and low-cost trades of in-game items and other virtual goods.

How is Worldwide Asset eXchange used?

Worldwide Asset eXchange (WAXP) is the native token of the WAX blockchain, which is primarily used for trading non-fungible tokens (NFTs) throughout the WAX ecosystem. WAXP tokens can be purchased through major crypto exchanges like Binance and Uniswap or via third-party in-wallet apps. Once acquired, users can create an account on the WAX Cloud Wallet, a managed wallet that allows easy access to the token without the need for lengthy security keys. WAXP tokens are then used to facilitate transactions and trades within the WAX platform, which focuses on digital collectibles and virtual items, particularly in the gaming industry.

How do I store Worldwide Asset eXchange?

To store Worldwide Asset eXchange (WAXP) tokens, you need to use a wallet that is compatible with the EOSIO blockchain. Trust Wallet, which is a smart chain wallet, does not support EOSIO chains like WAX, so it cannot be used to store WAXP tokens.

Instead, you can use a non-custodial wallet like Anchor, which is designed for EOSIO blockchain assets. Anchor can be used with a Ledger hardware wallet for added security.

How to buy Worldwide Asset eXchange?

To buy Worldwide Asset eXchange (WAXP) tokens, you can follow these steps:

  1. Create an Account:

    • Binance: Create a free account on the Binance website or app. Verify your identification to use the platform.
    • ChangeNOW: No account creation is required; you can directly exchange WAXP with other cryptocurrencies or fiat currencies.
    • ONUS: Create an ONUS account by navigating to the ONUS app, filling in the required information, and clicking Register.
  2. Choose Your Payment Method:

    • Binance: You can use credit cards (Visa and MasterCard), bank deposits, or third-party payment channels to buy WAXP.
    • ChangeNOW: You can buy WAXP with over 450 cryptocurrencies or 50 fiat currencies. Select the currency you want to use for the exchange.
    • ONUS: You can use credit cards or bank transfers (USD or VND) to buy WAXP.
  3. Select WAXP as the Asset:

  • Binance: Navigate to the "Buy Crypto" section, select WAXP and your preferred currency, and choose the payment method.
  • ChangeNOW: Pick WAXP as the "You Get" currency and select the currency you want to exchange for it.
  • ONUS: Select WAXP as the asset you want to buy.
  1. Enter Wallet Address and Deposit:

    • Binance: Enter your WAX wallet address and deposit the funds.
    • ChangeNOW: Enter your WAX wallet address and send the deposit to a one-time address.
    • ONUS: Enter your WAX wallet address and complete the deposit process.
  2. Receive Your WAXP Tokens:

    • Binance: Your WAXP tokens will be stored in your Binance account or personal crypto wallet.
    • ChangeNOW: You will receive your exchanged WAXP tokens in approximately 5 minutes.
    • ONUS: You will receive your WAXP tokens after completing the deposit process.

Remember to check the current market price and fees before confirming your order.

Worldwide Asset eXchange
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History of Worldwide Asset eXchange

Worldwide Asset eXchange
We give you the tools to invest your time and money in 1000+ tokens.

How Worldwide Asset eXchange works

Worldwide Asset eXchange
We give you the tools to invest your time and money in 1000+ tokens.

Worldwide Asset eXchange's strengths

Worldwide Asset eXchange's risks

Worldwide Asset eXchange
We give you the tools to invest your time and money in 1000+ tokens.

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Worldwide Asset eXchange
We give you the tools to invest your time and money in 1000+ tokens.

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