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What is crvUSD?

crvUSD (CRVUSD) is a decentralized, overcollateralized stablecoin developed by Curve Finance. It is backed by various crypto assets and utilizes Curve's Lending-Liquidating AMM Algorithm (LLAMMA), which continuously rebalances collateral to maintain a stable value pegged to $1. This mechanism allows for soft, continuous liquidations, reducing potential losses for borrowers and the protocol compared to traditional liquidation methods.

How is crvUSD used?

crvUSD is CurveFi's native stablecoin, designed to address some of the longstanding problems in decentralized finance (DeFi). Here is how it is used:

Minting and Borrowing
  • Minting: Users can mint crvUSD by depositing volatile collateral, such as ETH or liquid staked derivatives of ETH, into a smart contract. This collateral is locked in the contract, and a new crvUSD is minted and given to the borrower.
  • Borrowing: When a borrower repays the borrowed crvUSD, it gets burned (taken out of circulation), and the collateral is unlocked.
Key Features
  • Automatic Stabilizer (PegKeeper): PegKeepers have mint and burn capabilities to maintain the crvUSD price at $1. They can mint uncollateralized crvUSD when the price is above $1 and burn crvUSD when the price is below $1.
  • Monetary Policy (Interest Rates): Interest rates are incorporated into the Automated Market Maker (AMM). Borrowing rates dynamically adjust based on the variance of crvUSD around its peg. Rates decrease when crvUSD is above $1 to incentivize borrowing and increase when it is below $1 to incentivize repayment.
  • LLAMMA (Lending-Liquidating AMM Algorithm): This mechanism enables soft, continuous liquidation of collateral, reducing the risk of complete liquidation for borrowers. It progressively converts collateral into crvUSD as the price drops and automatically buys back the collateral when the price recovers.
  • Capital Efficiency: Idle funds can be locked into Curve pools, earning additional rewards and increasing liquidity.
  • Risk Reduction: The rebalancing design mitigates the risk of complete liquidation for borrowers and minimizes exposure to volatility.
  • Overcollateralization: Curve Finance ensures crvUSD's stability by overcollateralizing the stablecoin, maintaining its pegged value to $1 even in the event of borrower defaults.
  • Decentralization: crvUSD operates in a more decentralized manner compared to traditional stablecoins, backed by cryptocurrencies and free from centralized control.
  • Yield Farming Opportunities: Users can lock their crypto tokens and borrow crvUSD to participate in yield farming activities, maximizing returns while keeping their collateral intact.
User Interface
  • The crvUSD smart contract is accessible through a user interface on the Ethereum network, primarily catering to users with technical knowledge in DeFi.
  • The interface allows users to manage their positions, including loan creation and loan management.
  • Soft-Liquidation Mode: If the price of the collateral decreases, the loan automatically enters a soft-liquidation mode, where some collateral is converted to crvUSD. This process may incur losses due to soft-liquidations and de-liquidations.
  • Hard-Liquidation: If the price of the collateral drops sharply, the position can get hard-liquidated with no option of de-liquidation.
  • Beta Testing Risks: The crvUSD stablecoin and its infrastructure are currently in beta testing, carrying high risk and potentially leading to partial or complete loss of investment due to its experimental nature.

Overall, crvUSD is designed to provide a decentralized stablecoin alternative with enhanced capital efficiency, risk reduction, and yield farming opportunities, while maintaining a stable peg to $1 through its innovative mechanisms.

How do I store crvUSD?

To store crvUSD tokens, you do not store the tokens themselves. Instead, you store the private key that gives you access and control over a crvUSD address. This private key is stored in a wallet, which provides an interface to use it. For more information, you can read an in-depth guide on storing crypto assets.

How to buy crvUSD?

To buy crvUSD (CRVUSD) tokens, you can follow these steps:

  1. Choose a Platform:

    • Binance: Create a free account on Binance, verify your identification, and then select the "Buy Crypto" option. You can use credit/debit cards, bank deposits, or third-party payment channels to purchase crvUSD.
    • Mt Pelerin: Buy crvUSD instantly by card or bank transfer without the need for KYC verification up to certain limits. You can also use their Bridge Wallet app for managing your crypto assets.
    • Decentralized Exchanges: CRVUSD tokens can be traded on decentralized exchanges like Curve (Optimism), Uniswap V3 (Ethereum), and Curve (Polygon).
  2. Set Up Your Wallet:

    • Cold Wallets: For long-term storage, consider using cold wallets like paper wallets or hardware wallets for maximum security.
  3. Place Your Order:

  • Market Order: Buy crvUSD at the current market price, prioritizing speed of execution.
  • Limit Order: Specify a maximum price you are willing to pay, prioritizing the price at which the trade is executed.
  1. Monitor and Manage:
    • Regularly Check Prices: Keep track of the current price and market trends to make informed investment decisions.
    • Set Stop-Loss: Protect your portfolio by setting stop-loss orders to limit potential losses.

Remember to carefully consider your investment experience, financial situation, and risk tolerance before investing in crvUSD or any other cryptocurrency.

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How crvUSD works

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crvUSD's risks

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